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TpiMaint failure when Adager is reindexing Omnidex
When you receive this error message from Adager, your database may have inconsistent indexing information:

Omnidex's TpiMaint failed. Status: 0.
You must now manually use Omnidex's OmniUtil to re-index.

When Adager issues TPIMaint error messages, Adager has already successfully completed repacking and the only remaining task is the rebuilding of Omnidex indexes. To complete this job you need to manually reindex your database using OmniUtil.

By default, Adager uses the DISC account. If this fails, Adager attempts to determine the version of DISC via the 0A file and will setup a disc_account variable pointing to that account, such as disc304, and will invoke TPIMaint again. If neither of these accounts contains the correct DISC software, the call to TPIMaint fails.

The following discussion assumes that you are running Adager in batch mode, as a job specified via a StreamFile (where you precede MPE commands with "!"). If you are running Adager online, in session mode, MPE will prompt you with ":" and you don't need to put "!" before the commands.

Amisys uses Omnidex in the disc3 account. You can re-direct Adager by inserting

!setvar disc_account "DISC3"

!run Adager.Pub.Rego
in your StreamFile.

If you have your disc_account variable set and Adager still fails, Adager leaves two session-temporary files after repacking. These files may tell us why TPIMaint is failing. After the repack, include these MPE print commands before the end-of-job command:

:print tpioxblo :print tpioxbld
Email the contents of these files to

You can always re-index your databases manually using OmniUtil. If you wish to do so, please set

!setjcw ForbidTPIMaint 1

!run Adager.Pub.Rego
in your StreamFile.

AdagerHome Adager Questions and Answers (Section 8 of 13)
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